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Is Beefalo Better?
Health Studies & Cooking

Beefalo is the only red meat that has been shown to help lower LDL cholesterol through a university study and published in the AMA Journal.  There was a significant drop of 15 points when high cholesterol men ate beefalo compared to eating beef in just 30 days.  CWU tested the fat in beefalo to see why there was such a dramatic drop.  They found that beefalo had only 1/3 the palmitic acid content (known to increase LDL) that beef has.

Beefalo has up to four times less fat and six times less cholesterol than beef.  It is even lower in cholesterol than most fish and much lower than chicken.  Beefalo has nearly 1/2 the cholesterol level of buffalo.

Our beefalo are 100 % natural with no hormones, antibiotics or steroids, and raised on an all natural, grass fed diet.


Beefalo cooks in 30% less time than beef.  It also shrinks 1/3 less than beef.  Cooking times are as follows:
      Roasts - should be seared at 400 degrees for 20 minutes (for a 3 - 4 lb. roast)
      Reduce heat to 280 degrees for a total of 25 minutes per pound cooking time (including searing

      Internal temperatures - 
                              Rare - 120 degrees
                              Med-Rare - 125 degrees
                              Medium - 130 degrees
                              Well done - not recommended

      Steaks -
               Rare - grilled 3 minutes per side
               Med-Rare - 4 minutes per side
               Medium - 5 minutes per side
               Well done - not recommended
      Recommended cooking temperature is medium high.
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